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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19562
This Months Entries: 3
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maker (2 entries)
squiz (1 entries)
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: Harry

Member#: 186
Registered: 14-04-2003
Diary Entries: 418

8th March 2006
Windsurfing: Shoreham
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Overcast/fog
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:


Yet another cracking forecast that didn't deliver. Solid predictions for proper wind all day, on my day off, with midday low tides, all good. But yet again it didn't happen. Woke up to misty foggy murk and feck all wind. Still hadn't picked up by midday. Even more annoyingly had been windy all day west of selsey bill so decided to drive to witterings. Should have done that straight away - hindsight is a wonderful thing.

But as was driving past the Shoreham turn off on the A27 noticed it was clearing up and WAP now said 20mph+ at the 'ham. So there I went. 2 people out on 5.7s planing solidly when I arrived, but just as was going out...wind died. Planed once for 50m on the way back in. grrrrr.

Should have gone to hayling first thing...but this winter has been so shit i'm really beyond caring. At least this is happening in the winter - sailing would never have been all that pleasant today even if it was windy - air temps still sub 10 degs and the water was bloody freezing.

Gonna stop getting over-excited by promising forecasts until when it properly starts warming up. Snowboarding next weekend and end of the footy season will keep me going in the meantime.
Toys Used:
Fanatic Skate 90L
Tushingham Wedge 5.8
23cm fin  
Boots :(  
O-Neill Thermal vest 
Pro Limit steamer  



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